Governance Committee


Rudy Nickens (Chair)
Roz Johnson
Andréa Purnell
David Wilson
Jerry Gennaria, ex-officio


To perpetuate an engaged Commission and ensure compliance with our by-laws, enabling legislation and non-profit rules and regulations.


  • Recommend new Commissioners to Board of Commissioners for appointment by the Mayor of St. Louis or the St. Louis County Executive, as applicable
  • Recommend a Chairperson for the Commission to the Board of Commissioners and so that the Chairperson of the Commission seek approval from the Mayor of St. Louis or the St. Louis County Executive
  • Nominate a slate of candidates for Officers of the Commission annually to be approved by Commissioners
  • Review orientation plan for new Commission members and recommend modifications when needed
  • Review the By-laws and organizational structure periodically and recommend revisions as necessary to the Commission
  • Oversee annual Commission retreat

The full Governance Committee will meet at least 4 times per year. This does not include any meetings that the President & CEO may have with the Committee Chair and others.