Grant Restrictions
The Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis has been a proud public supporter of the arts since 1985. RAC knows when we fund artists, art programs and art organizations in St. Louis, we are supporting economic growth, expanding culture and growing creativity. We envision a region where every resident has the freedom, resources and opportunities to enjoy a creative life – to share and celebrate their stories, art, and culture and feel a sense of belonging wherever they live, work, or play.
If you are an artist, program or organization applying for grant funding from RAC, please review the grant restrictions below. If you still have a question, we are happy to help! Send us an email.

Artist Support Grant Restrictions
- A proposed project cannot receive funding from multiple RAC grant opportunities. This includes:
- Projects where an individual artist is partnering with, employed by, or contracted by a RAC organizational grant recipient, and
- Individual artists collaborating on the same project and applying separately.
- Multiple applications for the same project will render all applications ineligible to receive funding.
- Grant funds cannot be designated for such things as:
- Personal vacation
- Full-time college tuition
- Any items not directly related to an artist’s personal, professional, artistic, or project development.
- Grant funds may not pay for projects for which the main intent is:
- Fundraising or charity,
- The presentation of other artist’s works, including curation, archiving, journalism (where the applicant’s work is not the primary content,) or
- A commission.
- No part of the grant may be used for reimbursement of expenses prior to the applicant notification date.
- Any funds not expended for the purposes of the grant as applied for must be returned to RAC.
- No part of the grant may be used directly or indirectly to participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office or to attempt to influence legislation or to support or promote, directly or indirectly terrorism or violent acts.
- Organizations are ineligible to apply.
Program Support Grant Restrictions
Program Support Grants are are not available for:
- Programs, projects, or events not accessible to the public.
- Grants to individuals, including artists (Individual artists with project ideas should apply to RAC’s Artist Support Program).
- Educational institutions, including schools, childcare centers, colleges, and universities are ineligible to apply. Organizations that are closely affiliated with such institutions are encouraged to contact RAC prior to applying to ensure eligibility.
- Projects for which the selection of artists or art works is based upon criteria other than artistic excellence and merit. Examples include festivals, exhibitions, publications, or performances for which no jury/audition/curatorial discernment has been applied.
- Benefits, fundraisers, or awards programs.
- Programs that are part of a religious service.
- Political advocacy.
- Construction, purchase, or renovation of facilities. (Design fees, preparing space for an exhibit, installation or de-installation of art, and community planning are eligible.)
- Cash reserves or endowments.
- Deficit or debt reduction efforts.
- Tuition assistance.
- Costs of receptions and social activities, except when incidental and related to arts activities.