Tino Ochoa (Chair)
Robert Arbuthnot
Gerad Ewing
Beverly Isom
David Wilson
Jerry Gennaria, ex-officio
The primary function of the Grants and Programs Committee is to oversee the grantmaking process of the organization to ensure a fair, equitable, and impactful distribution of the funds, and to monitor and guide the strategic initiatives programs to ensure alignment with the strategic plan and intended outcomes and goals.
- Review and update grantmaking programs, process, and policies on a periodic basis
- Review and approve grant award recommendations
- Review evaluation of grantmaking programs
- Review grantmaking budgets
- Each member of the committee is expected to serve as a grant review panelist at least once annually
- Review and update Strategic Initiatives programs, process, and policies on a periodic basis
- Review evaluation of Strategic Initiatives
- Advise on program improvements for Strategic Initiatives
- Review Strategic Initiatives budgets
The full Grants and Program Committee will meet at least 4 times per year. This does not include any meetings that the President & CEO may have with the Committee Chair and others