Mont Levy (Chair)
Rhonda Carter-Adams
Sam Fiorello
Beverly Isom
Jerry Gennaria, ex-officio
Kristin Johnson*
*Non-voting committee member
The primary function of the Growth & Development Committee is to define and support resource and revenue generation, (inclusive of but not limited to, hotel/motel sales tax revenue). They will reimagine fund development to support the work of RAC, recognizing there are opportunities to partner with the for-profit community to generate revenue and resources for RAC, and therefore the arts sector, as well as to create additional revenue streams. This committee also provides feedback regarding strategic direction for Cultural Tourism and Advocacy efforts. These functions will align with RAC’s mission and Strategic Plan/Theory of Change, both as a quasi-governmental organization and as a 501(c)3 charity.
- Establish and review a Gift Acceptance Policy
- Review annual revenue generation goals, plans and partners
- Review and support RAC’s fundraising materials (i.e. Case for Support) and plans (i.e. RAC’s 40th Anniversary) that further establish RAC as a 501c3 charity
- Lead annual Commissioner and Staff fundraising efforts
- Recommend potential funding sources
- Review overall direction of Cultural Tourism efforts
- Advise, support and participate in Advocacy efforts at the local, state and federal level
The full Growth & Development Committee will meet at least 4 times per year. This does not include any meetings that the President & CEO may have with the Committee Chair and others.