Advocate. Partner. Catalyst.

These are the pillars of our five-year strategic plan – to build capacity; increase exposure to arts education; and advance diversity, equity and inclusion within the arts and culture sector of St. Louis.

COVID-19 Resources For Artists and Arts Organizations

As the largest funder of individual artists in the St. Louis region, we remain steadfast in our mission to support local artists, arts organizations and programming through these uncertain times.

For Artists
If you’re an artist in the region, learn more about grants, opportunities and resources.

For Organizations
Are you one of the region’s many nonprofit arts organizations? Learn more about grants, programs and resources to specifically benefit groups like yours.

For the STL Community
Bring the arts into your life. Check out events, our public art directory and more.
Featured Content

Special Town Hall Meeting

One year after the launch of our five-year strategic plan, a lot has changed. The financial and social challenges of COVID-19 have been significant. We held a special Town Hall webinar on March 31 and would like to share it with you. Watch the webinar to find out what we’ve learned, what we’ve done, and what our plans are to support local artists and arts organizations in 2021.

RAC Town Hall Webinar
Featured Content

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To ensure a full creative life for every St. Louisan, RAC commits to champion policies and practices that promote diversity, racial equity, accessibility, and inclusion in the arts.

Strategic Plan

Grow and Develop Capacity of Artists and Arts Organizations

Find out how this strategy works to create healthy, growing organizations that achieve a diversity of revenue sources and support individual artists to build strong and sustainable creative practices.

St. Louis Honored at 2025 Missouri Art Awards

St. Louis Honored at 2025 Missouri Art Awards

This past Wednesday, the Executive Director of Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts (VLAA), Sue Greenberg, was honored at the annual Missouri Art Awards for her leadership in the arts. Greenberg has served as the executive director at VLAA since 1986,...

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