If you’re an artist in the region, learn more about grants, opportunities and resources.
For Organizations
Are you one of the region’s many nonprofit arts organizations? Learn more about grants, programs and resources to specifically benefit groups like yours.
Bring the arts into your life. Check out events, our public art directory and more.
Special Town Hall Meeting
One year after the launch of our five-year strategic plan, a lot has changed. The financial and social challenges of COVID-19 have been significant. We held a special Town Hall webinar on March 31 and would like to share it with you. Watch the webinar to find out what we’ve learned, what we’ve done, and what our plans are to support local artists and arts organizations in 2021.
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
To ensure a full creative life for every St. Louisan, RAC commits to champion policies and practices that promote diversity, racial equity, accessibility, and inclusion in the arts.
Grow and Develop Capacity of Artists and Arts Organizations
Find out how this strategy works to create healthy, growing organizations that achieve a diversity of revenue sources and support individual artists to build strong and sustainable creative practices.

40 Years of Funding Performance: Reflecting on St. Louis’ Vibrant Performing Arts Scene
Featured Image Metro Theater Company. From big, lively productions to intimate shows that move you, St. Louis’ performances are etched into its history. For 40 years now, the Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis has uplifted and supported the performing arts....

40 Years of Funding Beauty: The Art Making the Gateway City a Destination
By Kallie Cox Featured Image Courtesy of The Bach Society of Saint Louis; Photo by STL Photo The Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis is a large part of what makes the city unique, and its funding of the art cements it as a destination of culture in the region. For...
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