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Public Art

A Chair for a Better Community (*Retired)

By Robert Powell
Category: Miscellaneous


** This piece is no longer on display. Please see our Retired Public Art Installations page for more information.


O’Fallon Park sits in one of the the more devastated areas of the City. Unable to afford replacement of trees, the City Parks Department lets dead ones remain in place to avoid large holes. The artist saw the dead trees in relation to the dead, boarded-up and burned-out spots in his neighborhood and decided to turn a dead oak into a piece of art. He chose a 15 foot tree near the park’s lake and with chainsaw and mallet, transformed it into a chair whose back is a carved figure of a strong, African-American woman.

Dimensions: 6′ H, 3′ W, 3′ D
Material: Oak tree trunk
Owner: City of St. Louis
Donor: Missouri Arts Council

About the artist: