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Public Art

Dear Diary, Honored Guest, Poeta

By William King
Category: Sculpture


Grouped on a mound of dirt under three young trees stand three linear cast aluminum figures, Poeta, Dear Diary, and Honored Guest. Although they appear to be sitting on chairs, each one is in fact propped up in a sitting position by two thin poles that are anchored in the ground. They connect to the rear of each figure, giving support and stability. One figure’s back is turned toward the other figure while he focuses his full attention toward an open book that he holds in his hands. Sitting behind this figure within “earshot” are two other figures who appear to be engaged in relaxed conversation.

The somewhat ungainly posture of these three men remind one of circus clowns who are quite comfortable walking on stilts and who, like mime characters, can make one believe through their body language that they are sitting on chairs, reading or talking. The figures in Poeta, Dear Diary,and Honored Guest are fabricated from cast aluminum. The frontal surfaces of each figure are deeply textured and resemble tree bark. In comparison, the undersurfaces are rather smooth and concave — resembling the undersides of bark.

Dimensions: 72″
Year Completed: 1985
Material: Cast aluminum
Owner: Chesterfield Arts
Donor: Gift of Sachs Fund

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