Sitting on a bench in a grassy campus courtyard, this life size-sculpture of the poet Robert Frost has a quiet presence. The figure’s intense gaze and his inward-looking expression seem to suggest a poet in thought. The immediacy of the moment is highlighted by the hand-written text of the poem being written, “The Road Not Taken,” which sits open on a stand in front of the figure. As the viewer sits beside the figure or reads the poem over its shoulder, “…two roads diverged in a wood, and I-/I took the one less traveled by,” he becomes part of the sculpture.
This sculpture is made of bronze, a metal that has been used for centuries to cast figures. Its popularity is due to its excellent physical properties such as a high structural strength, physical permanence, resistance to atmospheric corrosion, ease of casting, and a fine surface that takes an excellent finish or patina. The bronze casting method Lundeen uses consists of forming an object by pouring molten bronze into a mold and letting it harden. The shaped object is called either a cast or a casting.
Dimensions: 6′ x 4′
Year Completed: 1996
Material: Bronze
Owner: Saint Louis University