
Welcome to the RAC newsroom. Telling our story is the story of arts and culture in St. Louis. Check out our press releases and other news coverage about our artists and arts organizations that make St. Louis a vibrant destination!

March 7, 2023 Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis (RAC) N O T I C E   O F   C L O S E D   M E E T I N G Note: This notice is also posted at 6128 Delmar, St. Louis, MO 63112 Contact More right arrow

“Ribbons of Light” Brightens Downtown

A New Temporary Artwork by Jacob Stanley Illuminates the Park Pacific Apartments Parking Garage at Tucker and Pine Ribbons of Light is a sculpture of LED tentacle-like lines of light that engulfs...Read More right arrow

St. Louis Zoo Commissions Bronze Sculpture

INVITATION TO SUBMIT QUALIFICATIONS PROJECT Sculpture of Dr. Jeffrey Bonner RFQ/ RFP 2023 SCOPE OF WORK The Saint Louis Zoo is seeking to commission a commemorative sculpture, cast in bronze, for a...Read More right arrow
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